Special Collections


The focus areas for UWC Special Collections are: the history of or activities within the Western Cape including works dealing with Cape Flats, San and District Six as well as Sub-Saharan Africa. At the discretion of the Special Collections Librarian, UWC Special Collections can accept or purchase items outside of the focus on condition that the item complements or adds value to books already in the collection.

The collection holds a valuable assortment of books and pamphlets which are a mine of information for researchers in particular areas of South African socio-political history. The collections are evaluated regularly in an effort to remain aligned with changes in focus or priorities of the University and its research community. For more information on donating to the Special Collections, contact the Mr Jacques Manuels,


Special & Digital Collections Librarian

Jacques Manuels 

Email: jamanuels@uwc.ac.za

Telephone: 021 959 2916