The main reason for setting up a profile is as a way to have all your publications listed in the one place. This makes it easy for others to easily identify your work. It is also useful for author disambiguation purposes – different databases display author names differently, and if you have a common name it can be difficult for others to easily identify your work. The tools listed on this page allow you to create a profile with a unique identifier that you can use to identify your output. It is important to note, however, that you do need to keep them up-to-date yourself and ensure that all your publications are included.
Additional Tools to set up your Researcher Profile
There are several tools you can use to promote your research. Below is a list of some of them. This page gives more information on each tool:
Mark Snyders- Manager Scholarly Communications
Email: Telephone: 0219592938
ORCID stands for Open Researcher & Contributor ID. It is an international, interdisciplinary non-profit organization allowing researchers to attain a unique and persistent digital identifier. A key benefit of ORCID is that it helps solve name ambiguity in research and scholarly communications by creating a central registry of unique identifiers for individual researchers.
Scopus is linked to ORCID, allowing researchers to export their existing author information without the manual effort of adding it into the ORCID site itself. This is done by using their existing Scopus Author ID.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar allows you to set up a profile which contains your publications. The profile also provides you with various author metrics, such as h-index. In order to set up your profile, you need to have a Google account. is used by academics to share their research, monitor the impact of their work and track the publications produced by academics they follow.
To access scientific knowledge and make your research visible, create a profile on ResearchGate. It allows you to connect with peers and collaborate with specialists in your field. LinkedIn is a professional career service where you can manage your network, find jobs and market your profile.
What is the Scopus Author Identifier?
Many authors have similar names. The Scopus Author Identifier distinguishes between these names by assigning each author in Scopus a unique number and grouping together all of the documents written by that author.
This is especially useful for distinguishing between authors who share very common names like Smith or Wang or Lee.
Additionally, author names in Scopus can be formatted differently. For example, the same author could appear in one document as Lewis, M; in another as Lewis, M.J; and in another as Lewis, Michael. Scopus Author Identifier matches the documents of this author and groups these name variants together so that authors, even if cited differently, are identified with their specific papers. This helps you find and recognize an author, despite variations in name spelling.
View Searching for Authors in Scopus tutorial
How do I request corrections to Author Details in Scopus?
To request corrections to author details:
What is Journal Impact Factor?
Journal Impact Factor is a measure of the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a given period of time.
Scopus Journal Analyser
The Scopus Journal Analyzer provides a measure of journal performance. Scopus includes over 21 000 peer-reviewed publications from 5,000 publishers; the Analyzer enables you to compare up to 10 journals simultaneously, back to 1996.
The Scopus Journal Analyzer includes 2 journal metrics:
To use Journal Analyzer:
What is an h-index?
The h-index is an index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output. The index attempts to measure both the scientific productivity and the apparent scientific impact of a scientist. It is based on the set of the researcher’s most cited papers and the number of citations that was received through other people’s publications.
Citation Analysis: Scopus
Citation analysis involves counting the number of times an article is cited by other works to measure the impact of a publicaton or author. There is no single citation analysis tool, however, that collects all publications and their cited references. For a thorough analysis of the impact of an author or a publication, one needs to look in multiple databases to find all possible cited references. Scopus and Google Scholar can be used to identify cited works as illustrated below.
Find your h-index using Scopus
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